The Billion Cycles Per Second Processor
What Matters is What's Inside
GPUs and CPUs are two parts of a computer that are both very similar, yet very different. Both are microprocessors, with heat syncs, cores and both process data. That is about where their similarities end. Because the GPU and CPU perform significantly different roles, there are some differences in their architecture that make them experts at their distinctive jobs.
Everyone is familiar with CPUs and their ability to perform many different jobs very quickly. They are general machines that are very good for doing a variety of tasks on your computer. They are fantastic multitaskers that allow the user to perform many different operations at the same time. GPUs have a powerful difference. Graphics processors only have really one specific job, and that is producing graphics, obviously. Producing graphics inside of a GPU means is doing millions of mathematical operations at the same time. GPUs normally are filled with loads of similar units for computing, rather than being versatile processors.